About Us
Unity Energy & Resources (Singapore) Limited (Unity) was incorporated in Singapore on 6 June 2014 for the purpose of exploring and developing resources projects in South East Asia.
Unity commenced its activities with Myanmar (formerly Burma) and was granted four Exploration Permits in 2019. Two were prospective for gold and base metals, and the other two prospective for thermal coal. In addition, Unity negotiated joint ventures on two additional projects (a copper-gold project and an advanced silver-lead-zinc project). Exploration on the Myanmar projects was delayed by COVID-19 and then a coup d’ etat was staged by the military in February 2021.
Following the coup d’etat, Unity decided to cease its operations in Myanmar and the Company began assessing new project opportunities elsewhere in South East Asia (viz: Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos & Malaysia).
In early 2022, Unity decided to focus on Cambodia. A subsidiary company, Unity Metals (Cambodia) Co. Ltd was established in August 2022. Unity holds 85% of the shares in the Cambodian subsidiary company and a local Cambodian partner holds the remaining 15% of the shares. The Cambodian partner’s interest is free-carried until the completion of a Feasibility Study. Unity Metals (Cambodia) lodged its first two Exploration Licence applications (Ngot & O’Phlay) in May 2022. Both of these areas are in the Mondulkiri Province of Cambodia and are prospective for gold.
The Ta Vaeng Exploration Licence application was lodged later in September 2022. This area is in the Ratanakiri Province of Cambodia and is prospective for copper & gold. The Ngot & O’Phlay Exploration Licences were granted on 4 August 2023 for a period of 3 years and can be renewed twice, each time for an additional 2 years (total of 7 years). Ngot, O’Phlay and Ta Vaeng are located wholly or partially within Ministry of Environment “protected areas” which include flora and/or fauna reserves & parks. Exploration and mining is permitted within these protected areas subject to government approval. Exploration in the granted Unity licences was approved by the Ministry of Mines & Energy (MME) and Ministry of Environment (MOE) following the completion of an Interim Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (IESIA). Government approval for mining is subject to the submission of an acceptable Definitive Feasibility Study and Final Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (FESIA). Emerald Resources NL’s Okvau Gold Mine (which lies adjacent to Ngot) was approved in a protected area. A portion of the protected area (11.5km2) was rezoned to “Sustainable Use” to allow the grant of a mining licence.