Unity’s projects are all located in eastern Cambodia. The Ngot and O’Phlay projects each comprise granted Exploration Licences. The Ta Vaeng project is an Exploration Licence Application.
Ngot and O’Phlay are prospective for intrusion-related gold deposits, whilst Ta Vaeng is prospective for both intrusion-related gold and porphyry copper-gold deposits.
In general, there are two broad styles of intrusion-related gold (IRG) deposits:
- Those that occur in the copper‐poor or absent portions of conventional island arc generated porphyry copper systems, associated with oxidised‐state magmatic complexes (I-Type Granitoids), as porphyry gold deposits; and
- Those that occur in base‐metal poor or absent portions of tin‐tungsten mineralised magmas associated with reduced‐state magmatic complexes (S-Type Granitoids) as gold‐bismuth‐telluride or gold‐ arsenic‐molybdenum‐antimony systems.
The reduced IRG style of mineralisation was first recognized in eastern Cambodia by Oxiana in ~2006. Oxiana/Oz Minerals explored for IRG in Cambodia from 2006–2012, with the discovery of the 1.1Moz1 Okvau gold deposit in 2007.
Emerald Resources (ASX:EMR) commissioned the Okvau Gold Mine in June 2021 and it was the first commercial gold mine in Cambodia2. The Okvau Gold Mine is producing +100,000ozpa at an AISC of between US$740 – US$810/oz3, which makes Emerald one of the lowest cost gold producers on the ASX.
IRG deposits can be large (+5Moz gold4), with some of the most significant deposits (Fort Knox, Dublin Gulch, Donlin Creek and Pogo) discovered in the Tintina Gold Province that encompasses central Alaska (USA) and the Yukon (Canada).
- Emerald Resources ASX Announcement 1 May 2017
- Emerald Resources ASX Announcement 24 June 2021
- Emerald Resources ASX Announcement 10 July 2023
- Pertzel, B. 2013 – Intrusion-related Gold Systems. A Brief Summary – Minerals Resources Tasmania